Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-11-6508801-44


Submitter name: Cruxal213

Contract Title: Hotline Miami

Briefing: Miami is known for its competitive races and sweltering heat. It’s so hot that the staff can’t do their jobs, racers are passing out mid race and crashing, and patrons are demanding refunds and are threatening to sue.
When will the heatstroke end?

Brief Description: Kill the targets with fire by puncturing the drums with a screwdriver then shoot the oil or shooting the drum then shooting the oil. this was tedious to make I was inspired to make this after playing hotline Miami so I chose the targets that I felt represented the people in the game.

Location: Miami

Image Suggestion:

you can use any disguise for this I just used the security disguise for the image