Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-26-8134362-23
Platform: Steam
Submitter name: Tsta
Contract Title: Hot Seats
Briefing: Summer is right around the corner and with it comes the busiest time of the year. In anticipation of this, the Haven administration has asked us to take care of some unreliable employees. Goodluck!
Brief Description: Selina is near the grill and is a slacker, James is an alcoholic and wants to quit his job, Surya is the sleeping guard, Mitch is a life guard who refuses to help the client, Jaelyn is talking about identity of one of the Haven clients.
Can be made into shooting contract too by forcing suit for each kill, but i don’t like how it plays.
Thanks to Zebulaus, Zionicle_ and NSDIB for title idea and feedback. :slight_smile:
Location: Haven