Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Title: Summer suit(able) suntime!
Contract ID: 3-08-8868547-17
Username: Wigglyweevil211
Location: Bangkok
Platform: Xbox
Brief description: Due to the sun’s heat three people have been stuck indoors, obviously wanting to enjoy the summer sun once more. 47 has decided to take it into his own hands and eliminate these summer lovers with a blood steel cleaver to give them hell quite literally. I found my strategy for this contract interesting as trying to get to the kitchen and get the cleaver then kill a crowded NPC (Holly) with a non accident, then going to the top floor and eliminating the a cleaner up there (near by to others as well) and all this in SASO style. It can be done im sure one HITMAN fan out there will do it in 30 seconds (theres always one person who does.) i hope you like it.

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