Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Edit: Added image suggestion.

Created this on XBOX last week; want to recreate it on PS4 soon but with the first necessary disguise changed to “any”. Not a big deal. Just want to get something out there.

Contract ID: 3-13-4704832-04

Platform: XBOX

Submitter name: Axwage

Contract Title: Towering Inferno: Mumbai Meltdown

Briefing: This heat’s got everyone on edge. Your targets are so not chill. Give them the axe.

Brief Description: Fire-inspired kills in an upwards spiral of puzzle befuddlement. Nixed all complications. A good balance I think for both casual and experienced players. The first target might be trickier than you expect.

Location: Mumbai

And Featured Contract Image suggestion:

and a couple more for funsies, because they’re pretty: