Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-22-7542241-60

Platform: Playstation / PS4

Submitter name: Axwage

Contract Title: Stinking Hot


It’s a hot weekend in Vermont.

The heat from the grill is only tolerable because of the satisfying smell of sizzling flesh. On the other hand, the neighborhood garbage is piling up and releasing a truly foul, otherworldly stench.

You didn’t sign up for this hot, stinking olfactory assault. Eliminate those responsible.

Brief Description: With another idiom featuring the word “hot” as inspiration, I found some lazy sanitation workers and took em out with my brand new “street smart” sniper rifle. Then, since Susan Wilson is pretty smokin’ hot, I added her to the theme. Relatively simple targets, with a few complications thrown in to make the puzzle more engaging. Should take regular players no time to figure out, but might provide a challenge to newer folk.

Location: Whittleton Creek / Another Life

And Featured Contract Image suggestion:
