Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-03-8643808-51
Platform: PS (PS4)
Submitter name: Hichkas
Contract Title: Christ’s Heatman
Location: Sapienza (World of Tomorrow)
More Info: 4 targets, [Optional] No Recordings, Fall (Accident), Priest

We have a rare, apocalyptic hit this time around, 47. It’s from Jesus Christ himself… He’s still a bit mad about getting nailed to the cross, thus he asks you to assassinate those who were in charge of it. They have been living a peaceful life for the last few millenniums, but they shall now feel the heat of the sand in revenge, thy you shall make them hit the sand… For the heat to be efficient, no one shall find them quick.
It’s better to let them know for the last second of their lives who were they wanted dead by… So choose your suit wisely.

Brief Description:
This can be done in many linear paths due to the disguise restriction. It makes quite some challenge with the enforcers dedicated to the priest disguise and a nice route one of the targets take.