Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-28-0947455-10
Platform: PC, EGS
Submitter Name: Bgyorok
Contract Title: Trial of the mansion guard
Alexa Carlisle has given you a special opportunity to work with “The Big Boys”. She has picked out 4 of her (ex)-bodyguards and has given you the task of “scoping” them out and eliminating them. Of course, they aren’t aware of this ordeal, so being compromised is not an option. Alexa will also look over your targets for an extra challenge.
This is a big trial for a mansion guard like you, so don’t disappoint her!
Good luck.
Brief Description: A 4 target contract, all of them are guards, 2 with a pistol and 2 with a sniper, but all in the mansion guard disguise. All of them can be found in places where Alexa spends some time, so you can either pacify her or time the kills right. You can either go into the mansion and eliminate them in proximity or if you’re an experienced hitman mansion guard, you may not even need to enter the mansion…but watch out: you will need to be quick with this approach!
Location: Dartmoor
Featured Contract Image Suggestions:
47 holding up a pistol against a bodyguard’s head

47 looking down at a bodyguard’s body from the balcony with another one just beside him