Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-29-1939174-87
Platform: PC/Epic
Submitter name: pomegranate owl
Contract title: The Non-Fungible Termination

Good evening, 47.
Recently Rolf Hirschmüller and his biker gang have taken a troubling next step from cocaine dealing and murder to a truly heinous crime, internet piracy. Besides downloading at least four movies, three of the gang’s most vicious members have been ruthlessly screenshotting NFTs, while Hirschmüller is taking care of the distribution of the acquired PNGs. Our client, who only identified themselves as “ApeEnthusiast420”, wants their dealings ended, permanently.
Good Luck, 47.

Brief description: Four targets must be eliminated. Three of them are located within the biker compound, one is the club owner in the club basement. One must be eliminated with a fall, either by using emetic poison or throwing him over a railing unconscious. The owner must be eliminated with the battle axe located in the biker’s TV room. The other two simply require a shotgun/any method.
No bodies found and never spotted are optional complications.

Location: Berlin

Image suggestion:
HITMAN 3 11_07_2022 12_54_32 cropedit (2)

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