Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-03-0841728-54

Platform: PS

Submitter name(s): GlogolZ

Contract Title: Tower Defense


Brief Description:



The first three targets are on the pier by the monument. Silvio and his trainer in the mansion.

This contract requires you to eliminate 5 cannon targets as intended. The main difficulty is that not all targets adjust to the trajectory, which is why they need to be brought under a cannon shot. Also, you can not change the costume and therefore you should not be seen in the ruins. Spoilers ahead! The first target (Uberto Navone) that needs to be brought into a trajectory is the hardest to eliminate with some kind of distraction. In addition, bodyguards must be brought to the trajectory of the shot. To do this, the easiest way is to kill the first target with a shot and immediately prepare the second one. The bodyguards will come running and at one moment they will also stand under fire. Everything is clear with Silvio and the coach.


The plot is funny and its main goal is to fit the pirate theme, as well as somehow justify the killing of targets. It does both.

Location: Sapienza

Credits: Photos by @Bulcer

Featured Contract Image suggestion: