Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-03-0897896-32

Platform: Xbox

Submitter name: iamfivecent5

Contract Title: Origin of the Black Almond

Briefing: Armed with your trusty dagger, set out to plunder the shops of Sapienza.

Brief Description:
The contract involves killing five shop workers around Sapienza with the black almond’s dagger. Since most of them are in public areas, you’ll have to get creative to isolate the targets. I did it with some creative coin tossing and the Sieker, but I’m sure some of the veterans here could figure out better ways to do it.
And of course, since it is buccaneer themed, the objective is to do it all in your suit and the only exfiltration route is via boat.

Location: Sapienza (world of tomorrow)

And Featured Contract Image suggestion (we’ll add an image in-game, to make it look awesome): I’m thinking 47 standing on the sapienza docks or up at the ruined castle, with the pirate ship/kraken Easter egg appearing in the background.

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