Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 4-31-3882894-48

Platform: Switch

Submitter name: The Elite Institute (although MYT is my in-game name if you need that)

Contract Title: A Pirate’s Vengeance

Briefing: Nobody steals our grog and get’s away with it! Teach those landlubbers a lesson, Captain 47!

Brief Description: Eliminate four targets in a piratey fashion. The ringleader, Don Yates needs the personal touch with a shot from your trusty gun. Kenneth Flowers, his advisor who suggested the theft, should be taken out with explosives. They stole a couple of our cannons, so that should prove handy. As for his trusted guards that protect the booze… well, a slice from your saber should do the trick!

Location: Mendoza

Featured Contract Image Suggestion:

You don’t have Switch listed, but hopefully I can still submit! I’ve been meaning to try my hand at a featured contract for a while and this pirate themed one sparked by creative juices!