Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]


Contract ID: 2-26-3837981-31

Platform: PS4

Submitter name: zubin47

Contract Title: Funeral Wreath


Good Morning 47. Your client is an international organisation for peace that wants to eliminate three targets who have honey trapped high officials for murder, ransom, and sensitive information.
Your mission is to set a honey trap and lure them to their coffin with a flower wreath.

Brief Description:

In this contract the first target is a little tricky, you need to emetic poison and sick an npc before you make the target sick to go near a lonely closet / hiding place - the sick target will open the door for you (no need for a keycard or scrambler).
The other two targets goes to the toilet below the gym and a basket is available for hiding them. This contract is easy for casual players but tricky for speedrunners - curious to see some bullet distraction and npc panics to lure the targets to hiding spots real fast.
I hope the basic, casual, suits only players and speed runners will enjoy this contract which has multiple approaches and ways.

Note: Meaning of word Wreath - an assortment of flowers, leaves, fruits, twigs, or various materials that is constructed to form a circle.

Location: Haven Island, Maldives

Image suggestion:

or any attractive image :crazy_face: