Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-28-2540379-18
Platform: PC (epic)
Submitter name: Steventjeeee
Contract Title: I am just a guardener
Location: Dartmoor

Good morning, 47

Our client is currently working as a guard to protect the Carlisle garden. Recently, he had discoverd that some of the gardeners are undercover agents working for an unknown organization. There mission is to make a very deadly poison from a flower that can only be found in the Dartmoor greenhouse. You need to stop them before they can produce it. So, our plan is that you disguise yourself as a guard and kill the targets with there own tools.

Good luck, 47

Brief Description: This contract takes place in the Dartmoor garden. Your first objective is to find a guard disguise, that should not be to difficult, because there are a lot of guards patrolling around the area. Then you need to find a garden fork and a shear (that should also not be hard to find, because there are 2 garden forks and 2 shears lying around in the garden) My contract is not very hard, you can easy silent assasin my contract if you know how to make use of distractions. For speedrunners is this contract also fun, because there are a lot of ways to shave off some time.

Image suggestions: (i prefer the first picture)