Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Title: blood red gardens
ID: 2-03-7165113-24
Submiter name: Dodarkillen
Platform: PS5
Brief description: 3 targets around the map, take them out using the new kukri machete, The twist? You need to use delivery guy disguise but their is no KO so creativity is on the table.
Map: Sapienza world of tommorow.

Briefing: The sun was rising over Sapienza and a Eurosped delivery was heading to town, BOOM! The car crashed into a tree and was deemed a accident by the drivers themselves but a organisation was behind it, BLOOD RED GARDENS.

After a extensive search you find that it was no accident and the members names and location. Flower killers in disguise, make the company proud and take them out.

Image: The flower shop in Sapienza

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