Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-4479922-81
Platform: PC, Steam
Submiter name: YamiDiddz
Contract Title: Wrath of Nature
Briefing: Torres Piombo was supposed to get rid of the dealers of the island so Ambrose could be a Natural reserve again. Instead he sided with Akka.
The flower project does not accept betrayal kindly.
47 is to kill Torres and then fullfill the Hippie’s mission by killing Akka, Crest, Farah and Mills as well.
All deaths must seem to be caused by Natural causes.
Brief Description: Kill Torres Piombo in a fall accident, Kill Akka with injected poison, Kill Crest and Mills with Consumed Poison, Kill Farah with Drowning. All kills must be done in the Hippie Disguise. Can’t be recorded by camaras (or has to destroy records), Can’t kill non-targets, No bodies can be found (unless they are the victims of accidents or poisonings) and there is only one exit available.
Location: Ambrose Island
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