Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-26-2476102-06

Platform: PC (Epic)

Submitter Name: Eclipse

Contract Title: The Great Falling Flower Fiasco


Agent, welcome to Haven Island.

Recently, a weird phenomenon regarding some of the hanging flower pots around the island has been occurring. They’ve been dropping randomly, however there have been no casualties.

Well, not yet at least.

The ICA thought this would be a great opportunity to lay waste to a few high value targets at the nearby villa, as we can blame the weird occurrence on the deaths of these five employees. Excellent cover, don’t you think?

I’ll leave you to prepare.

Description: You eliminate five targets at the villa using the hanging flower pots at the front and back of the villa. The only complication is no pacifications, as you probably will only be getting live kills, meaning you won’t be dragging your target under the plant, you’ll lure them under it, and drop it on them.

Location: Haven Island

FC Image Suggestion:

(FYI, that’s just my lazy self not getting a cool picture, however I think if you could get a cool pic of the pot falling on someone, that would be cool, I just didn’t want to try and set that up. But if not, that one is also fine.)