Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]


Contract ID: 2-34-7473199-31

Platform: PS4

Submitter name: zubin47

Contract Title: The Ghost of the Gardener


There was a flower garden on the island that was cut down by three men for the village extension. The men then killed the protesting gardener with an old axe while he was asleep.
Tonight is a full moon - the night of the ghost of the gardener’s vengeance.

Brief Description:

In this contract, you need to find the old axe which is on the eastern edge of the island and then get it to the Village unnoticed. The old axe cannot be brought in the suitcase and is illegal if you carry it in non-guard disguise. You may choose any disguise, but you cannot change any.
One of a trick is to get it through the water on the south-eastern path around and under the village huts. Then toss an emetic throwable to lure the sleeping targets below the huts or you may pacify few blocking npcs. The first target is a tricky one who only wakes up by an alarm clock and runs to a more difficult area.
I hope the basic, casual, suits only players and speed runners will enjoy this contract on a new location with multiple approach.

Location: Ambrose Island, Andaman Sea

Image suggestion: