Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-12-9909896-93

Platform: PC (Steam)

Submitter Name: Pootis.exe

Contract Title: Snake In The Grass


Santa Fortuna’s sacred forest is being corrupted by the disgraceful Delgado Cartel, and the local Shaman refuses to intervene.

Get rid of him, then take his place to eliminate three of the Cartel’s employees.

The coca plants seek revenge against their captors and shall lend you their strength for this task. They will conceal you as you close in on your prey. Then, like a snake in the grass, you will strike. Let the crops consume what remains.

The flowers of the forest shall bloom once more.


In this contract, the player is required to eliminate the Shaman, and then use his disguise to eliminate three Cartel employees working in the coca fields. Specifically, they must be eliminated with a neck snap while they are still conscious. The contract has a kind of ‘Man vs. Nature’ theme, where the forest wishes to retaliate against the Cartel for exploiting its resources. It also aims to incorporate the coca crops as a major mechanic within the contract (ok they aren’t flowers per se, but I think it still fits the theme).

As the briefing suggests, the player will be required to make use of the cover the coca crops provide. The coca fields are a Hostile Area for the Shaman disguise, so the crops will be essential for navigating it safely. Additionally, the player is encouraged to use the crops to provide cover when engaging their targets, as well as hiding the bodies once the elimination is performed.

There are a variety of factors that players must keep in mind however. When cover is only at waist height, the player can be spotted when grabbing NPCs, meaning they will need to be careful about where they engage their targets. It is a good idea to try and use the taller crops, or to lure the targets behind solid walls to avoid being seen. Furthermore, players must also be conscious of the loud noise that the neck snap will make (it is louder when the targets are conscious). This could potentially alert nearby NPCs and complicate the player’s efforts to remain undetected. Finally, players must also be careful of where exactly they leave bodies. The crops will provide adequate cover, but there are several NPCs patrolling around who could potentially stumble across bodies hidden in the greenery.

The only complication is ‘No Pacifications’, which forces players to use the louder version of the neck snap. It also makes it a little more difficult to lure and pick off their targets successfully.

This contract will ultimately test the player’s ability to navigate a trespassing zone, as well as their skill at using foliage cover to their advantage.

Location: Santa Fortuna

Image Suggestion: The image seen here is probably my favourite of the ones I took. I’ve also added some more in the drop-down menu below. Pick whichever you prefer.

Extra Photos