Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-08-8160926-69

Platform: Xbox

Submitter Name: Canucklehead X

Location: Bangkok

Contract Title: Vegan Birthday Cake?!

Who orders a vegan birthday cake? Those flower-loving hippies and their fad diets, disgusting. What’s next, vegan salmon?! This is an insult to the restaurant and must be stopped before other patrons find out and make unusual requests. Take out those responsible for this abomination. Don’t harm anyone else and don’t get spotted, we need to keep our existing clientele. Be quick, dinner service starts in 10 minutes.

Brief Description
Ok, so I’m poking fun of flower power and it’s connection to hippies and vegans. Not that there is anything wrong with it (check out Game Changers on Netflix about vegan diets and sports nutrition, changed my teammates and my view a bit).

The vegan salmon comment is based on a true story. In Summer 2010, my wife (then fiancée) and I were travelling and in Whistler, BC. At the restaurant, she inquired to the waiter about the vegetarian option on the menu. After explaining and clarifying the dish, he then told us about a customer who insisted she was vegan, and kept asking if the salmon entrée on the menu was vegan, leaving the waiter dumbfounded despite repeated attempts to state that the dish was fish and it was definitely not vegan. It was an entertaining story. The waiter was able to get my wife a Chef’s Dinner, which was a custom-made vegetarian dish (I forget the exact details), and my wife absolutely enjoyed.

Image Suggestion
The repulsive food item in question.

Edit: corrected briefing and updated contract number.