Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-34-4989000-62

Platform: Playstation 4

Submitter name: mightymassari

Contract Title: The Durian Deviation

Briefing: “For his inauguration menu, Sheik Omar Al-Ghazali illegally sourced a lot of Durians, native only to Ambrose, poisonous in raw form, but a delicacy when baked.
Durians are Ambrose’s only tourist attraction! His smugglers will kill tourism income, and affect the locals. Our client wants his team poisoned by raw durians, then drowned in any way.
Ambrose is run by pirates, so we can only get you in and out, ironically, as a tourist, without gear. Scout the island, take care, and don’t get caught!”

Brief Description: 47 delivers justice to fruit poachers for the rich! The idea is to start with no gear, and kill all 3 targets by poisoning them with durians, drowning them afterwards. Ambrose offers everything for the job and getting to know the island is crucial. SASO is encouraged. You can’t swap suits, nor get caught, but by all means, several approaches can be used within these restraints. Everything so you can be a nice tourist to the eyes of everybody and the island (and save them while at it!).

Location: Ambrose Island

Featured Contract Image suggestion: An ominous shot of 47’s hand holding a Durian, in a nice lit area like Farah’s bar for impact.