Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-08-7021215-50

Platform: Playstation

Submitter name: Chiku138

Contract Title: Stop over at Bangkok

47, Thailand is the country closest to the Andaman Sea. There is no direct flight to Ambrose Island, so you must stop over at Bangkok. Make sure you check out your stay at the reception or stalk out of the Himmapan hotel unnoticed. I hope your fellow passengers have a safe journey.

Brief Description:
In order to check out the hotel and start you journey to Ambrose Island; you need to take out the two hotel receptionist. One of them disguised as the Stalker and the other by any disguise. The kill condition for both are any methods with no other complications. Unleash your creativity on this.

Location: Bangkok

And Featured Contract Image suggestion