Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)


Contract ID: 3-03-0786666-59

Platform: Xbox

Submitter name: Krkkit2012

Contract Title: The Bohemian of the Main Square Tower

Briefing: “No one knows who he is or how he came to live there. Fewer still know how he came to be under that chandelier.”

Brief Description: A modified version of one of my previous submissions, I hope to present a mildly challenging puzzle (very) loosely inspired by the Phantom of the Opera (as well as playing on the hippie trespassing in most of the rest of the main square building). It’s almost certainly not the most difficult NKO challenge but not every contract needs to be a sophisticated and intricate puzzle that takes hours to complete. Even though I dislike having more complications than targets and, especially, using “do not get spotted” in any capacity, all complications are optional and are more to tell the story of a haunted building where the threat is more implied than seen. Speaking of story, a wardrobe malfunction/miscalculation caused me to rethink my intended “suit only”. I realized that it doesn’t really matter what the unseen phantom wears, the story dictates he is unseen. Undetected, he is a force to be reckoned with (even/especially to the target, who might still be able to tell their tale from beyond); witnessed, he’s just a guy in duck hoodie. Also, I could throw more casual players a bone so… happy accident, I guess? :man_shrugging:

Location: Sapienza/World of Tomorrow

FC Image Suggestion: Same as my previous submission…