Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Hallowe’en Contract:
Title: An Argentine 'allowe’en
Location: Mendoza
Platform: XBox
Creator: SeweDemp
ID: 3-31-2408926-98

Briefing: Forty-seven is feeling strange this Halloween. Restlessness has him in its grip. Every death needs to be ironic. Every disguise needs to be used. Zero wasted opportunities. Everything will be perfect once Forty-seven celebrates his Halloween.

Details: Three targets: Aron Ford with an axe in a suit; Corvo Black with a fibre wire as Aron Ford; Kenneth Flower fall accident as Corvo Black. SA. No insta fails. Time limit.

Notes: The deaths are meant to be ironic, so the lawyer is “axed” a question; Corvo gets a basic assassination; Flower gets “drowned” (if dumped in the correct place!).