Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 2-30-2996480-05

Platform: PlayStation

Submitter name: mjbsr2008

Contract Title: Trash From The Street

Briefing: I’ve found an acidic booze called “Flying Viper” by my homeless friend. It came from a liquor store owner who sold it to other homeless people. He said the last guy who drank it melted straight down a toilet never to be seen again. I thought about using this little viper to get back at a couple of people who wronged me. never anger a hobo who has a deadly weapon.

Location: Chongqing

Brief Description:
this contract is a reference to a horror comedy movie called “Street Trash”.


Image suggestions

also i’m wondering if auto-correcting the mistake i made in the briefing here prevents me from getting featured. is that a thing?