❄ Official Community Winter Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Name: Kolnikov
Contract Title: Don’t Kill My Chill, Diana
Contract ID: 2-03-0076406-55
System: Playstation 4
Location: Sapienza - World Of Tomorrow
Briefing and Objectives:

“47’s taking a relaxing winter break in his secluded Sapienza safehouse… wait, what’s this message?
Oh, NO! A last-minute contract! If 47 had emotions, he’d be pretty steamed!
But maybe there’s a way to take care of both these targets without leaving the comfort of his apartment…”

Targets are the two guards outside the mansion:

The one with the shades gets a Pistol Elimination, the one without gets an Explosive Device. Suit only. Optional Time Limit: 3 minutes.

Image Suggestion:

The dichotomy of a chilled 47 and the mayhem of his work…

General notes: This isn’t the toughest puzzle ever, but I’ve been playing with a “47 on holiday” idea for a while - this is a very clean and replicable version of it. It’s pretty satisfying to take out the targets without leaving the safehouse, using only what’s inside it (and that might be the easiest route once you know how). But I’ve also got Silent Assassin from a start on the bench and never entering the safehouse, so the contract can be done in a couple of different ways, and hopefully the simplicity of the targets balances out all the optional complications. (As well as being an Xmas gift for Any%-ers…)