❄ Official Community Winter Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Here are two

Contract ID: 1-30-5604843-04
Contract Title: Weapon Hunt: Chongqing

Steal the stethoscope from The Block and a rifle from the Data Facility and kill the street targets with them, without knocking anyone out (So it is still possible to change disguise)

You’re probably wondering “What has this contract got to do with Christmas?”, but I ask you what is more Christmassy then putting in the effort to get specific things from a list?

Santa’s Workshop Strike


Our client is a wealthy industrialist who runs a series of workshops. Sadly his workshop in Mendoza currently has a walkout of staff, who are slacking off instead of making toys during the busy Christmas period.

Due to the walkout you’ll need to find a workshop bench and make a toy yourself, there should be one in the mercenary area, then use that toy to deal with the slackers and send a message to the rest of the staff.

Merry Hunting

Stadia ID: 1-31-6375457-13