Official Community Created Contracts - EASTER 🐰 (March 2023) [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 4-02-2961829-48

Platform: Switch

Submitter name: The Elite Institute

Contract Title: Parisian Easter Egg Hunt

Briefing: It’s Easter time, so let’s hunt down the egg(head)s!

Brief Description: As is tradition, Easter calls for an egg hunt and this one has you hunting down five eggheaded targets across Paris. We have the classic eggheaded legend Helmut Kruger, as well as a bunch of others leading up to the top floor. Might you interrupt a bodyguard during his break, spoil an auction meeting, or simply take out a guy who likes a nice little chat? Targets vary in difficulty, but the lack of any requirements allows you to crack those eggs as you see fit!

Location: Paris!

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