Official Community Created Contracts - SPRING CLEANING (April 2023)

Contract ID: 2-26-1347670-37
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: Deimatic
Contract Title: Beach Cleanup
Location: Haven Island

Haven Island visitors have been leaving bad reviews of the resort online with two major complaints. They are tired of stepping on sharp objects on the beach and they keep seeing trash left behind by some of the islands’s most notorious litterbugs.
You have been hired to clean up the beach and remove the culprits, perhaps you could kill two birds with one shell.

Brief Description:
The idea behind this contract was to take the initial concept of getting kills all around Haven with objects picked up on the beach and try to make something that maximizes potential routes to take to quickly finish the mission. The targets were picked with the various shell/starfish, start, exit, and pickup locations in mind. I’m not a speedrunner but I was able to complete 4 different routes in under 5 minutes each. I also still wanted targets that are interesting if you take your time as well and provide some level of challenge. I tried my best to work around Haven’s super vision cones and in testing was able to at the very least get around any problems they cause with consistency. (I had to change targets a couple times because of it though!)

Image suggestion:
