47’s New Name? (Spoilers)

You and me both


Oh wow lol this is awesome, didn’t know you write fanfics :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :ok_hand:

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Since 47 creates his own agency (according to dev comments during… uh Mendoza?) he Indeed is no longer Agent 47 but Boss 47.


Level 47 agency boss


B47 Inc.

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Never knew IOI said that about 47 creating his own Agency. Didn’t think to listen to the Dev’s commentary throughout the missions seen as I have the Deluxe Edition :wink:



Thanks to @Urben for this find.

If you own the Deluxe Edition, listen to the director commentary for starting location in Berlin, IOI confirm that 47 must now defend for himself and is now free of all ties with ICA.

This sort of makes the cut scene at the end make sense when Diana refers to him as an “Agent” and he explains that’s not who he is anymore. :smiley:

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:joy: this is actually just a funny case of words with multiple definitions

In Berlin it’s true the director’s commentary does say “Agent 47 must decide for himself… his path too freedom, having his own agency”. However agency here doesn’t mean agency as in an organisation, it means character agency which is a “demonstration of the character’s ability to make decisions and affect the story”. 47 isn’t making a new agency, he just is becoming more of his own person and making his own choices

He and Diana will probably continue working together on future hits, but that isn’t what the Berlin commentary meant. Also the Mendoza commentary never mentions forming an agency or the work agency so :man_shrugging:


I really don’t get the point of ‘making his own decision’ part

He has already made up his mind at the end of Silent Assassin
Admitting that he won’t be able to escape the circle of cold-blooded murder, but he decided to believe in his own justice and truth and move forward.
The result of that is the cold but professional 47 we saw in contracts, blood money.
Just because he found his old memories…
If he decide who should die by some morality and conscience…that is just Punisher. Not HITMAN
If it’s Diana who decides the target, there’s not much difference in him.
I think I will be annoyed if he repeats his personal revenge in the next title


That was in immature decision. Choosing the truth he likes just another name for living in denial. H3 was about the painful introspection you have to do in order to grow up. It’s not a comfortable truth to realize he’s been doing exactly what he was bred to do (follow orders, kill without question) and it doesn’t make it more noble that he decided to outsource his decision making process to Diana, even if he does love and trust her.

Also, choosing one particular truth leads to the Darkest Timeline where he chooses to focus on Diana’s betrayal and give into the truth, as he could perceive it at the time, that she wanted him dead.

Embracing the truth that he let himself be used despite hating Ort-Meyer and Providence for making him that way, acknowledging the truth that he really hurt Diana and for no reason other than he was told to is the only way for him to be able to start looking at what kind of man he wants to be. In SA he was trapped, relying on the ICA to help him and give him orders because he was disgusted by the feeling that he was “not of this world”.

In H3, on the other hand, he’s had time to reflect without distractions and circumstances pulling him back into the life. He chooses to help Diana bring down people like Edwards and the Partners because he both acknowledges the truth that they’ll always be out there and that he has the skills to make a difference.


Ag3nt 47
Agent Forty Seven
Johnnie Hitman
Agent Bond
Bond 47

These are perfect replacements I’d say so.

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Any serious talk of 47 and Diana as an item should really be relegated to a fan fiction or something. Totally uncalled for and doesn’t require an explanation on my part. It should, could, and will never happen.

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He was still tied to the ICA then though. Now the ICA is no longer an organisation, 47 and Diana are free to decide their own hits. Think that’s what IOI mean by 47 can now make his own decisions.

It really baffles me that we are here, 35 posts later, still talking about it.

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I think he should use one of his Blood Money aliases next game. Rieper’s gotten old.

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It’s not the same choice or outcome though. In SA he comes to terms with his creation, not being a child of God. In H3 he comes to terms with not wanting to be a tool wielded by shadowy figures. In SA he’s okay with being nothing but a tool, removing the hard choices. If it’s was the same ending, then the secret ending would be the real ending, yet it’s not.

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I just think 47, without “Agent”.

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Dr Cropes ? That’s a good one

Also Mr 47 would be fine