47's Face / The Look of Agent 47

So, I did some tests on Sapienza, using Lafayette disguise and the starting outfit.
It seems that they only bothered correcting the model for 47’s suits, not the disguises.
This is also the case for nearly every disguises in Hitman 1 levels.

This shit is starting to piss me off.
I know it might seem nitpicky at this point, but you can CLEARLY see the weird egg shaped skull on the outdated one, the forehead is more slanted, you can also see it on the ears.
Jesus Christ, how hard must it be to change all the disguises face model, just take me as an intern without any wage, I’ll fucking do it since you can’t be bothered, IOI.

For reference, left is the outdated model, while right is the correct model.
Come on IOI, I know y’all can do it!