47's Wardrobe: Suit Customization

But when you allow people to customize your suit there be a plenty of people who want to have kinky suits fulled with different colors and that might to lead game in wrong direction. I mean - if you open that door (metaphor) you need to be aware that Hitman stop be a 47 with hes minimalistyc style and start be something similar like Fortnite, because player start to demant it if they saw that opportunity, and that leads to another layer of problems.

I wants to be fully understood - if that stops only on customize outfit around what we already got in game (because it fit to esthetic of Hitman) - IM FINE with it. But I’m aware of that it may just bring another problems like “why we cant have pink gloves with green shoes” etc,

Just look what happened with Rainbow Six Siege. Started to be a realistic modern Counter-Terrorist game, ended with tons of silly outfits from outter space. And this why I don’t want to see that kind of direction in Hitman game.

But he already is kinda a fortnite character with the ruby suit or the lucky ducky hoodie :sweat_smile:


heh and thats why I don’t like that :wink: Hitman Franchise had always few kinky suits - a bird in Blood Money, a squirrel in Absolution, a Flamingo in World of Assassination - and this is fine, because its kind of joke and humor. But when you add more stuff like a that… it start to be a Fortnite.

I don’t think so. I would think that most people have a sense of what makes 47 who he is.

You seem to be worried about expanding to vastly different types of suits/outfits - instead of keeping it to the current suits. I never said or intended this to go that far. I was just saying we could use what’s already available in the game, then let us have the ability to mix and match whatever we’d like.

I also mentioned (or implied) that I think the use of a gradient slider for selecting color is more than what’s needed. I doubt I’d use it. If anything (if we had the Ninja suit from Hokkaido) I’d edit its color to be more brown or gray colored since those are more neutral… and probably more authentic.


Or you just ignore them, like I, and many others, do :woman_shrugging: (the ruby suit, I love the lucky ducky)

i’m not sure that customising 47 (which we can already, to a degree) is going to affect the general direction of the series.


Ah yes, an outfit customisation system would be a slippery slope to all sorts of crazy outfits like these concepts which I’ve just mocked up and definitely aren’t already in the game…


I’ve heard this floated around before and it seems like it would be a great way to make your own style for 47 based on all the suits we already have.

They wouldn’t implement it, it might be more work than we think, but it’s nice to dream about.

I do agree with Happy-Squirrel though that adding this would kind of take away from the value and novelty of the pre-made suit selections from IOI. They all fit their own style, even if a few might be missing gloves where they shouldn’t.

Maybe in YOUR fanfics he is… :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :triumph:

Those are just mascot costumes my boy

Pretty different thing than what you’re thinking of…

…Not that I would know of course


I just want driving gloves to die.

No… No, that’s not enough…

I want driving gloves to very fundamentally be undone.

I want the IOI Gods to retcon driving gloves to such an extent that they not only never exist in the Hitman universe, but also never exist in reality.


Let me try to say “YES!” in more than 20 characters:


did it work?

Seriously though, great idea. And I don’t know about the tech behind the freelancer syndicate leader randomization, but there might already be a way to set single features (earrings, tattoos, watches etc) on or off?


…and here we go :wink:

No that doesn’t work that way. Piercing, tattos, watches that is a different layer added to existing model. Outfits are different thing because it’s created as single asset. That would force them to redesign each single game asset like gloves, shirt, hats, boots etc and there will be a problem with collision of object from diffrent models. You think it’s so obvious because you as a player - see a single image. But from backend and technology pesperctive is a totaly different story.

Right now whole outfit is animated as single asset, and when you allow to make customizable ouftits you need to make a every object as standalone asset with own animation etc. That force to redesign whole outfit system and that will never happen.

And I’m glad that will never happen because it might make people demand

“I want to have tattos, glases, mustache, change color of hair… yeah we want to change skin also! Why not?!”
“why there is so small amount of custom parts, we need more!”

etc. That will open a topic to complain about game’s character customization - and this isn’t good for Hitman art direction.

From other hand - IOI put a lot of effort to create that vision of 47 with black suit and red tie with perfecionism and pendatism . There is intentional purpse why that is a strong art direction. And when you allow player to customize your own 47 - that destroy that art direction and narrative of 47. That maybe fit to online games with bland characters, but not for Hitman game.
That is also why im against that kind of funcionality. You may say - “but there is a plenty of weird outfits already”. Yeah, but it’s in control of their art direction, most of them fit quite well to vision of 47.

Just read about that in Cyberpunk 2077 or Fallout 4, where people had a quite big customization options but that still maked them unhappy because there wasn’t enough assets to do what they want. It’s just a pandora box. From developer perspective - it’s just a hudge problem with no impact on quality of game. I’m personaly also a designer - thats why I’m understand that UX problem from higher perspective.

No, just no. Go play GTA V instead :stuck_out_tongue: I really don’t see any point why Hitman should have outfit customization since every single starting outfit works exacly that same. It’s just a cosmetic feature without impact on game mechanics, so it’s pointless. It’s just a waste of resrources which can be used to create a weapon customization (by mean - a funcionality not skins…) which could have much bigger impact on game mechanics and gameplay it self.

BTW: IOI don’t want to redesign simple MKII items and you demand a whole outfit customization. Dream on :smiley:

literally yes, if they arent gonna make it fully customizable then just hope they make the gloves, i hate driver gloves, they ruin outfits.