5 MinnMax Featured Contracts

Fairly easy contracts, which is probably good at this stage. SA’d each of them on the first try.


These were fun. One reason I am not super into contracts mode is people add 5+ targets with weird demands and it takes forever with no saves. These being more simple and short but still fun to figure out is the perfect way to do this mode, IMO.

Also it was fun using a breaching charge on someone’s head again, hadn’t done that in a while. :rofl:


I was at one point 1# on Minisnaps 4 and 5 (unless that was a glitch). It faded away pretty quickly tho lol


This is very interesting, we have all three differents strategies and routes (Frote, you and me) leading to the exact same final time, aka 47sec :smile:


I’ve done the first two and have found them both quite enjoyable. These actually seem like great contracts to ease people into the mode.

I love FCs but hated the first one.

Raged through this one.

The Deepest Dive - SA - 1:30


I tried playing crossblade by getting the scimitar from the sheik. Pretty hard to SA unless you follow him for ages lol

Fall Season Preview 2020 entered chat

Hm, did you copy RoussJ1199 or the other way around? :wink:

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I never watch youtube before building a run, the most interesting part is solving the puzzle. If I don’t find an interesting route by myself, then I watch others and I learn to use that for a next contract. You can look my youtube profile, I’ve been doing this for quite a long time.

Edit : He released his video an hour after me, and it’s the exact same route. That’s why I love Hitman, the possibilities are huge but the fastest routes often meet. But yeah exact same suit and briefcase too :smile:


I really like these contracts. Have done the first four and figured out the “puzzle” on each. This series seems like it would be an excellent way for newcomers to get into contracts as well, because they all present fairly obvious methods with a little observation of the area.


Ha, yeah I’m with ya there. I comment on his runs a lot, he seems like a good dude.

I used your phone lure method to get my time down from 1:24 to :55 for Xbox so I can stay at the top :rofl:

My other method involved getting everyone around her sick since she’s so bossy lol.


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Bossy indeed and chatty :smile: but she can’t resist the power of the Fetch Trick :japanese_ogre:

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She must have a sister in Italy


Really enjoyed these tbh, 5 refreshing, crisp contracts all got replayability to (made aside from Two Ends) :joy:

Anyone prefer 2 sets of 5 featured contracts throughout the month instead of 10 at once?


As I read about the FC here, I’m really looking forward to them. They sound great! Probably won’t have a chance to play them till monday (working…) so I won’t watch any videos. Want to find my own routes for these.


Stellar runs :clap::clap::clap:

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Thanks :heart:

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Another Minnsnaps variation (bottom to top) :


I had my volume a tad too loud, so I properly jumped when the Striker first fired :joy: wasn’t expecting it. Good run tho, GG

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