A case for immersion and story in Hitman

Oke :+1:

i’m not too fussed about the overarching narrative in a hitman game.

the stories i consider the most successful - contracts and h2016 to an extent - seem to have the overall least impact on location choice. they explain the least or aren’t afraid to hide information from the player. it makes tying those levels together not feel forced or incongruous unlike, say, the last couple of main levels of h3. there, the desire to ramp up the plot and also have a cool location/target gimmick/kills kind of bump into each other a little bit, for me at least.

the game definitely needs something to provide context, but i’m much more interested in the targets; they just tend to be more fleshed out and intriguing to me than whatever’s happening to 47.

i’ve said it before, but the more we learn about 47, the more it undermines his mystery.


Mike is a little ditzy when it comes to Hitman (though both mike and Andy have played prior games). They do seem to play up their persona’s a bit.

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