I came across this channel by pure coincidence (YouTube recommended it to me), and he has been playing H2SA for the first time. He played C47 about a year ago (which is also on the channel), and has now moved onto the second game.
He just finished the playthrough today, so I’ll post the playlist here for you to check out: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY4cpbHuGG02b-I3suFKfa8uH78at8-lf
I had a good time watching it. It’s interesting seeing someone who has almost no experience with the series try to work out how things work (and without a manual). There are frustrating moments for sure, as he struggles with how some of the systems work, but he manages to get a fair few SA ratings!
Anyone else know of any good H2SA let’s plays from newcomers? I’ve seen so many speedruns and challenge runs now that seeing a first timer is really refreshing!