All female contract creators feature contract batch

Hello guys, I am a known creator in the community. I prefer to keep my identity a secret and just focus on the batch.

I am searching for 6 female contract creators for an all female feature contract batch. The batch will release around international women’s day.

I am getting the other 4 contracts outside of here so there will be a total of 10.

So if you can post your contracts it will be greatly appreciated.

Please be a woman and honesty is greatly appreciated.

Thank you guys.

I already got the ok from combat glue when I pitched him this idea.


Oh cool! Is this a previously unannounced fc batch?
I might take part actually!


Not female, but I think this is a great idea. I look forward to this batch when released.


Its a batch to celebrate international women’s day so its kind of a surprise idea I came up with it and some people agreed with me.

I felt that the women creators need their moment in the spotlight.


This is a nice idea! Although it’s been ages since I made a decent contract, I don’t really feel inspired currently so I’m probably not gonna participate :x


I’m not a woman, but I like the idea. It would be good to release this batch for the 8th of March - International Women’s Day.
By the way, I think it’s unfair that there are no female guards in the game. It would be great if in the next game this drawback will be corrected.


That is the plan to release it close to international womens day


I’ll post my submission at the end of the day today. Thanks for the opportunity!


Help blueberry muffin post her contract (she didn’t have forum account )
1-10-2439492-58(steam )year of the snake theme, and based on H2 challenge pack

thumbnail if you need it:


Amazing idea, let’s see more contracts from everybody in the community who is willing! I love the idea!

You never know what people can produce! I look forward to these releasing. :smile:


I didn’t quite finish it, sorry!

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Ayo! I’ve been summoned.

Platform: Steam
ID: 1-21-5548163-23

Platform: Steam
ID: 1-02-0325117-23

Platform: Steam
ID: 1-11-7238305-23


It might be worth sending a private message to the site owner, @wincenworks, and seeing if they would be willing to pin this topic. Not to mention the good team of mods on this forum who will make sure the topic theme isn’t open for harrassment or other inappropriate behaviour.

Good luck on the batch, looking forward to see it when it drops later.


The deadline for all submissions will be February 7th. I appreciate you all. Have a good day.


(As a male) Just submit an old one you like, doesn’t have to be a new one.
(The contract of mine Atmosphere chose was created back in March 2023, theres nothing bad about an old contract)
(Unless you are the curator and you said that to have people not expecting you to submit)


So you’re saying my terrible contracts might finally stand a chance?! (Kidding)

No but really, this is a cool idea. Excited to see what contracts come out of it.


You could find a way to kill all the people near and or in the art gallery in Sapienza. Maybe you are paranoid and believe they are plotting to steal the art? I think it’s open in Landslide and maybe also in Icon.

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Wow, good initiative… Looking forward to play this batch from the ladies.


Here is my submission! :purple_heart: :fox_face:

I made this image using some of my modding skills (i’ve been looooving modding Hitman! - here is my fave mod of mine - Blossom Ninja at Hitman 3 Nexus - Mods and community) and some messing around with reshade + krita! :purple_heart: Also, I’d be willing to help with making some images for people’s submissions if anyone would like that <3 :purple_heart:

Here is the contract:
(Steam contract id: 1-10-0602908-85 )

And the description:

Today at dawn, I was admiring my beautiful blossom tree friend in Hokkaido when I overheard these very evil people whispering about their very evil deeds.

And, today at dusk, you must take them out. The blossom tree must set things right - by causing a deadly breeze of petals… and accidents!

Alexander Kellerman is by the blossom tree, and MR. JASON PORTMAN will soon pass by, if he is still alive. Eva-Lis is getting a massage, but a little tampering could change that.

Good luck! <3

(this version should be the correct aspect ratio - i had to cut a bit of the image off)

It would mean the world to me if my contract is good enough to be in Hitman - and I hope it is! :purple_heart:

Also, higher res versions are here:

Thank you for organizing this. I’ve really enjoyed myself! :purple_heart: :fox_face: