All firearms from the whole trilogy with pictures

Yeah, fixed that, haha.
Also, you’re right about RS-15. It really bugged me seeing an elite troops using so outdated looking guns (although in desc it says “a modern assault rifle”).

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Well you see the plastic furniture of the more modern rifles will clash with the aesthetic of the building

Where can I find those pictures?

They’ve teased with a lot of weapons we never got…

Why does the DTI stealth have no trigger? Urgh, can’t stop looking at that now i’ve noticed it.

Or does it?

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While on the topic of broken triggers. The Krugermeier 2-2 has had a broken trigger in its inventory image since H1. However it was fine in game… that is until Hitman 3 where it’s broken in game like in menu.

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Still waiting for the Druzhina 34 ICA from Hantu Port. It’s my favorite Druzhina variant and it’s also the rifle 47 is holding on the sniper assassin mode tab in the Hitman 3 menu.


These were from Hitman 2’s game files.

See here for more: Some interesting textures I found in the game files : HiTMAN

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Broken Trigger Update! Turns out my previous post was wrong. Krugermeier 2-2s trigger was broken in H1 and H2.
However both DTI Stealths and Krugermeier 2-2s trigger gets fixed after firing a single shot.


And yes, I am way to obsessed about those little things.


What about the new silver Krugermeier? And though hardly a bug, I do want to encourage you to report these issues. Maybe IO finds the time to fix some little things, you never know.

The Good- It has no trigger problems.
The Bad- The slide doesn’t move.

Not sure but i feel like it did less damage on impact, not 1 shotting on non-headshots and the marksman trigger slowdown seems to be a little fast on the trigger, firing when i didn’t mean to. Not sure if ‘marksman’ actually has levels like scope does.

Same here. The Druzhina 34 ICA is in my top 3 unlocks that I hope they eventually add through Hitman 3’s content updates. The other two being the Goldballer and a reskinned Screwdriver.

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Is the gold ICA in any of the missions? I only saw it in a trailer.

You can unlock it or else you can find one in the Columbia mission under the garage.

Isn’t that the Matador? Wasn’t there a gold ICA19 with a silencer in one of the trailers?

Ah that one. I strongly believe it had to do with the lighting. It must had been the ICA19 Classic under a light that made it look goldish.

I strongly believe it’s the actual unlock for that challenge that has the default pistol for it. And if it’s not I do suspect we will eventually some chance to unlock it

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I’d be happy if they actually gave the new weapons the proper labels of silenced, subsonic etc. I also liked the way Hitman 1 had a division of ‘grades’ like masterwork and stuff.
The trinity guns could also use the same aim stability that silverballer has. Would be nice to have another subsonic gun other than the krugermeier. Possibly the DTI silenced pistol or the can silenced one lol.