Announcement: The Splitter

I am not a huge fan of this though.

A twitch sub costs more than the DLC, and twitch streamers only receive 60% of that. Even if they are a top streamer, that’s still a 70/ 30 split.

I’m fine with free promotional cosmetics tied to watching people, or even following them. But subscribing to get a purple-ified DLC item seems like a bad idea, promotes even more FOMO, and seems like a bridge too far to me. I can see the idea was noble here (support content creators), but this is not the way to do it.

There is a reason other games don’t really do this. Viewers are both cheapskates, and it’s a bit of a bad deal to subscribe to a streamer on that alone, as there’s no guarantee that they’ll return to watch future streams, which is not what you want as content creator; you want a consistent userbase, not an ever-fleeting one.

I’d be interested to know what the dedicated streamers think.