Announcement: The Splitter

I’m going to be honest: I mostly want to know if the target outfit is what we will unlock when the ET itself will be played.

Because that foulard is just * chef kiss * .

Also, why do I think we will have both a young and a old JCVD?
The Replicator ET title, mysterious reason to uncover for going into the facility, went missing in Romania, Hitman just loving itself some clones and cheesy movie plot, the teaser image used the young model, the Splitter name could have a triple meaning…


Sure, yes. But we know to play carefully, and not get into shootouts. The trailer clearly shows some action-movie shit going down. We also know that we can exit and restart the mission if no objectives have been completed. AND we know that even if we complete an objective, we can force quit, restart the game, and try again — so long as we don’t die.

Imagine a new player fires this up for the first time, wanders into a trespassing zone, gets gunned down, and that’s it boyo, thanks for playing. There’s nothing fun about that.

Ah, the age old ET conversation.


Wow this was sudden. Cool tho!

47 will definitely make sure The Splitter makes “the cut” :smirk:


I am not a huge fan of this though.

A twitch sub costs more than the DLC, and twitch streamers only receive 60% of that. Even if they are a top streamer, that’s still a 70/ 30 split.

I’m fine with free promotional cosmetics tied to watching people, or even following them. But subscribing to get a purple-ified DLC item seems like a bad idea, promotes even more FOMO, and seems like a bridge too far to me. I can see the idea was noble here (support content creators), but this is not the way to do it.

There is a reason other games don’t really do this. Viewers are both cheapskates, and it’s a bit of a bad deal to subscribe to a streamer on that alone, as there’s no guarantee that they’ll return to watch future streams, which is not what you want as content creator; you want a consistent userbase, not an ever-fleeting one.

I’d be interested to know what the dedicated streamers think.


Oh, I love it! So we’ve got a Death Warrant on JCVD? No Retreat, No Surrender? Well, he’s got Nowhere to Run although he probably is a Hard Target – Until Death. Expect a Sudden Death! Maybe kill him in an Inferno? Or 6 Bullets? Anyway The Order is clear, he’ll burn In Hell. We don’t play Assassination Games around here.


I’m sure Agent 47 will bring Valliant to his… Sudden Death, unless he’s a… Hard Target? At any rate, it’ll make for a Double Impact! Uh… something something Kung Fu Panda 2.


We just made similar posts at the same time. I’ll defer to your more comprehensive effort, though!


Ah, sorry! Love your post anyway :joy:


Did you know: in the movie Knock-Off, Jean-Claude Van Damn use a Durian as a weapon to knock out someone



We’ll need to check to see if the silhouette matches because I could swear it was going to be…

Edit: December 1st.

I’m going to say it will be Glen Powell. I believe the silhouette fits, and the movie title ‘Hit Man’ is split compared to the title of this series ‘Hitman’.


Anyway. This is cool and an excellent choice!

As for the thing about subbing to a streamer to get digital goods. Yeah. Nah. No FOMO here. That just makes me want whatever it is that much less.

Edit: The silhouette… Probably matches the “new” younger-looking JCVD in-game model.


And if a guard tries to stop you, you can say to him, “Not this Time, Cop!”


IOI, I love you :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


We are constant trying to find ways to reward our streamers, so I will happily take all the feedback from this and make sure it is taken account for.
But other games have been doing this and its been helping their streamers out a lot.


I love this news! And I will be supporting IOI by buying the DLC.


Not all games have the option to do it to be fair, and its a rather new incentive (think I first saw it a year ago or so, but might be wrong.)

But happily to discuss this more.

This is something I don’t mind really as someone who uses both Twitch and the game. I would rather they go about it this route every now and then rather than having it as paid DLC, as it is a sort of giving back to the community. They could easily put it on their store and get money through to them, but instead it will be going to people that are playing the game, and promoting it (even if it isn’t 100%)

Obviously it would be nice if it was free from just watching, rather than paying in general, but if we are going on the paying route I don’t mind this way.

As a streamer side, I wouldn’t look at this as an inconsistent userbase, but rather as a bonus little bit extra going in and if the people do stick around and watch and come back again, then it is more viewership than if they didn’t run this promotion at all. Personally I’ll be doing a sub to a smaller streamer as I’m sure that they would appreciate the support with it (not that the bigger streamers wouldn’t appreciate it also)


And @scat1620 predicted that in-universe “Splitter” would be in the sense of “having left an organization”:

Did anybody predict it would be a splitter from the ICA (and an assassin to boot)? :thinking:
That’s a nice concept for an ET. I suppose we already had the Iconoclast as an assassin, but she turned out to be unarmed and no threat.


That does explain why I haven’t seen games do this, and I’m usually fairly up to date with twitch promo’s.

There’s just some thinking irksome about giving money to a content creator and to twitch, just so they get a temporary boost in engagement and you get a limited time skin that costs more than the DLC you’re selling.

I don’t doubt the extra money is nice for the creators, but I stand by my analysis of it being a bad idea, and I get the feeling it’s not used by many game promos for a reason. It’s just too exclusive and doesn’t reach the same audience. Either you pay to support someone and get a free skin, or you’re SOL and can only watch.

As I said, it just breeds an uncomfortable sense of FOMO for the viewer.

In going back to watching Taskmaster, I’ll respond with more soon.


The twitch subbing thing. I don’t see established players doing this… Maybe some of the new folks this ET will attract. But I could be wrong. Or, if established players have a certain streamer they like they could (throw some money their way) in order to support them and get associated digital item/s as a reward.

It is just one item, right? A reskin of something we already have? :face_exhaling:


Yes just one