Are localised accents in Hitman 3?

This is disappointing to hear :frowning:

Will definitely pick the game up still, but will probably until I can get it cheap as by the sounds of it it will still be the maps from 2 that I spend most time playing

The actress voicing her (Susan Hingley) is half Japanese, half British, so youĀ“re on point with that one. Then again, itĀ“s not like every non-native speaker has the very same (ā€œauthenticā€) accent. ItĀ“s highly individual, so IĀ“m completely ok with the Western accents slipping in. As you say, itĀ“s a thousand times better than the omnipresent plain British/American.

But I mean the biggest step up have to be the toilets in Dubai which actually speak Japanese proper :joy: (I believe Hokkaido doesnĀ“t have that?)

And on a side note, I do wanna rant about occasions such as the character of Raoul Salazar in Mendoza, who is voiced by a British VA when talking to his brother(?), but his dialogue with Yates is voiced by an American VA. Moments like that (or the British-accented CIA employee in the same level) make me wanna rip and tearā€¦

Also, shame that none of the three ultra-obviously German blokes in the game have a German accent (even though I heard it on an occassion or two in the level).

Does Bateson even qualify for a South African accent?? (legitimate question - he has such a unique accent to me that I could never really be confident in placing it to just one country - the reason being his SAR-Canadian upbringing I suppose?)


If you heard him talk in interviews he definitely does


Damn, youĀ“re right. Just watched one and am genuinely surprised I never really noticed itā€¦ IĀ“m probably used to his 47 voice too muchā€¦

Edit: Though I should point out I havenĀ“t met many Saffas in my life and most of the South African English IĀ“ve heard anywhere came from Afrikaans speakers, hence probably my inability to hear itā€¦

Well you kinda need to have them speak English when the game relies on audio to convey how to kill people.

Does not hearing German or Arabic really break the game for you? Keep in mind these are tourist attractions.

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The NPCs Names suggest something else :wink:.

Eh they use a randomiser.

what i really want to know is who voices the toilets and the KAI machine.


Pretty sure itā€™s the same voice lines from the VA for the Japanese DLC of H2016, gotta look in the credits though


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You donā€™t usually find a video game containing so many different locations across the world.

The devs tried to create every location with a level of believability for immersion, but there are limits ā€“ it is expensive in time and money to employ the variety of unique, authentically-sounding voice actors for all locations in Hitman.

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It is so weird to me that the civilians in Chongqing have Chinese accents but not the guards. The guards sound Western. The guards donā€™t even have Chinese faces except for a few guards in the ICA facility