Never heard Bizarro Speak before?
Don’t worry because the way Bizarro speaks changes from adaptation to adaptation, continuity to continuity, book to book, writer to writer and even page to page.
I’m pretty sure Earth is a disc on the backs of four huge elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle. Everything else is propaganda!
I’m actually convinced that no one actually believes that the earth is flat - they just want attention.
No, but I do believe it is colder in the moonlight than it is in the darkness.
I, for one, believe that I dance better in the moonlight than I do in the dark
Much like the notion that moonlight is cold, this is confirmation bias and I can’t dance no matter where I go.
Course I have, I have also danced with bats under the silvery moon as well
This might be a dumb question but how do I get to curate contracts? I recognized some of ya in the featured contracts (@magicdave94 in @The_Elite_Institute ) and wanted to know.
Nah it’s not a dumb question at all. It was never officially announced by the community team (for the recent 2 years, that is). But here’s a discussion along with a few members sharing their experiences of curating contracts. You should find the answer to your question here.
A few years ago I would have know this, but honestly it has been years since i’ve played Hitman at this point.
I have Hitman and Hitman 2 on Steam. I have Hitman 3 on Epic Games Launcher.
How the FUCK do I get everything to work together on Steam, so it is all in once place? I did that Progress Transfer onto epic a few years ago but it never worked properly and I couldn’t play Hitman 2 levels in Hitman 3. Presumably I need to buy more shit, which is shitty and annoying. But where do I even start? I can’t be fucked to spend ages researching this stuff anymore.
You will need to buy the game first. Here’s the link:
Note that each different edition and add-on includes different stuff:
- Part One: H1 locations only (Paris - Hokkaido)
- WoA standard: every location but without NY, Haven, and DLC escalations
- Deluxe Edition: every location
Essentially, Deluxe Edition should get you everything. The only thing it doesn’t contain is Celebrity ET bundle.
Okay now onto the progression stuff, H2 Steam players are allowed one more carryover to H3 on Steam. However, you will have to do it again. Note that H3 progression on Epic cannot be transferred to Steam.
Carryover website link:
I hope this helps.
That costs 83 pounds. I already own 2 of the games on Steam and one on Epic. I’m not paying 83 pounds just to be able to play them together. Cheers anyway.