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@Bourbon right now


How exactly could I complete Bangkok:Challenge:Heeeere’s Johnny?

I completed some contract obviously designed for it, and I applied all the conditions: kill using axe, not spotted, all bodies found. But still, the challenge wasn’t complete.

Could that possibly because the bodies are put together? So the AI got stuck on “the found of the first body”? I don’t know.

You did kill them all in Hotel Staff disguise, no? If not, that may be the issue.


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Try to do the same with Silent Assassin rating (I mean not getting spotted or letting any body being found) and being dressed in Hotel Staff outfit (the main condition for the challenge)

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Long answer: Asked and answered here

Short answer: I don’t think there’s a platonic explanation for killing a man together and then doing a sexually charged dance, subsequent poisoning incident notwithstanding :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes I started in the room with a Hotel Staff disguise, and finished the game all in it.

Then unfortunately I do not know a better solution to the problem. You may report the issue via the official website, though.

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I just tried and I found that my assumption was right: When the first AI found a body, he would get shocked for a while and then run to a guard. The guard would run to the body he found. This could take a while. But the problem is, when the AI found the first body, his AI state would immediately switch to another behavior, in which the AI wouldn’t keep on searching other bodies any more.

So, even if I put all bodies together, they won’t be found at the same time. Because in the AI algorithm there’s no “the same time”. The AI went blind right after the 1st body.

So, I changed the strategy: I put 1 body at each door and block the door, to make sure it’s seen when a guard passes by; and I put the other 2 separated but without any block between them near the door to the washing room, then use a coin to lure someone to check. Then I run far away and wait. After 2 guards were alerted by the body and more guards ran into the room (alerted by the witness), I received many body found reminders. Then the challenge was completed.


Ah, nice. I was going to pop in and suggest maybe keeping bodies found one at a time, since NPCs can’t report more than one at a time. Glad to see you worked it out

Where’s Terrence Chesterfield?
I’m in the mission of “The Liability”, and I searched almost the entire level, and I couldn’t find him.
Is there any place that he frequently goes?

The juice bar, from what I’ve heard (I haven’t played him yet)

The briefing usually gives hints to where he is


He is walking around the upstairs of the club when the mission starts and he goes out side to the juice bar. He has a non standard loop though bc he did two loops upstairs and then he went downstairs. I’m not sure how it’s programmed but if you start and head upstairs I’m sure you’ll find him.


Can I delete Hitman™1 if I can already play the contents of it from Hitman™3?
They are both in my Epic Game library now, but I think Hitman™1 takes too much storage.

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Yes. Deleting the first game won’t affect your access to those levels in H3.


Thanks! By the way I like this integration, to put all 3 games in one. I just hope the new games would keep it the same way.

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How could I finish Colorado: Freedom Fighters: Assassination: Chemical Warfare?

I loose the gas near a car in front of the main building where 1 soldier would occasionally smoke there. And when Penelope walks near, the soldier would just light his cigarette. Penelope and nearby persons all died in the explosion but the challenge wasn’t complete.

I’m not 100% sure, but you might need Explosion Expert (or whatever it’s called) outfit for this challenge.
Then get yourself a wrench and loosen the valve on a gas canister that’s near the stove on a field kitchen.
When Graves comes near it, just shoot it and kill her with an explosion. Done.

You also may just shoot the canister twice instead of loosening the valve

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You’re right. I did it in this place and it’s done.

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How to complete Freedom Fighters: Howdy, Partner?
I saw an instruction somewhere, telling me to throw an apricot at a trainer behind the main house, then run to the right to turn on the radio. I did it and tried a couple of times, nothing happened. A soldier would just walk to the radio and turn it off.

How to complete this challenge?

Throw an apricot at the head of the officer that commands the group of training soldiers and then turn on the radio. Soldiers will begin to applause and the challenge will be done.
But seems you need to wait till soldiers begin their push-ups and then throw an apricot.

Shame you can’t really hit NPCs with throwable objects (non-melee), it would’ve been fun to watch them covered in apricot pulp :slight_smile:

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