Black Lily or Black Lilly?

Here’s the evidence

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The point wasn’t that “lily” isn’t a valid naming, just that “lilly” is a valid naming for it.


Evidence of what? Lily being a word? The point is you can call it either

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Mostly to BT_TF. And that there’s typo about Black Lily atleast in PC and Hitman wiki.

This “typo” is referenced extensively throughout several platforms, the wiki, the internet and the internal workings of the game.


A typo being in one of the lines could be argued for. But 5 + 1 per every language? I highly doubt it.

If Black Lilly is a valid name then Black Lighter is equally valid name for it.

Unlike “black lighter”, which isn’t referenced anywhere in the files nor in-game, “black lilly” is used extensively across the files, and on several platforms.

Except that Black Lighter isn’t used on the wiki, on most platforms, and in the game files.

Let me pose an analogy. Is referring to the un-silenced ICA 19 as the “ICA 19 Classic” incorrect to you?

You have missed the whole point. You don’t understand what is a typo???


How do they make a typo in every use of the word Lily for the past several years

I don’t understand what you’re asking. The point is “Lilly” means nothing. “Lily” means. It’s the flower which is in Hitman insignia and it’s also in MK3 Briefcase for example.


The meaning of the word isn’t worth anything in this conversation. The point is that obviously the name used by a large majority of the game (and a large part of the community) is also a correct and valid one, not a single person is saying Lily isn’t also correct. Stop trolling already lmao


I’m not trolling and even if some of you think it’s the correct one, doesn’t make it correct. I have proofed I’m right and that’s it. I have made logical and water proof arguments backed by evidence. You’re not.


i’m sorry but lmao

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Screenshots from the game’s files and of the game itself isn’t enough evidence?


The game calls it the Black Lilly in Hitman 2 and the same in H3 depending on platform. The wiki calls it the Black Lilly. The majority call it the Black Lilly:


The internal game files call it the Black Lilly. The item repository calls it the Black Lilly.

The localisation for the game calls it the Black Lilly.


IO obviously likes it with two L’s, despite the flower’s name being written with one. The Playstation name of H3 is the inconsisticy here in that regard. It is not really “rude” or an “insult” to point that out.

EDIT: Wikipedia claims IO’s grammar was at least valid at some time in the past:

Lilly may refer to:

  • an archaic spelling of lily, a flowering plant

Not sure if I fully understand what’s being argued about :sweat_smile: but couldn’t it simply be that the first time the item was given a name was with a typo/error that went unnoticed and was thus copied/repeated?