I want play prolouge and when i click control i see white persons but when i turn off i dont see anything (i dont see map, i see hud)
Can you describe your problem more detailed, maybe with video and screenshots.
Because it’s logical when you turn off (what exactly are you turning off? the console or the monitor?) that you won’t see anything.
What white persons do you see? What control do you click?
What map you don’t see and what hud you do see?
Describe the problem more clearly and more detailed
bro every map, when i click “ctrl” button you see humans and objects. This dont working after i reinstalled game, installed newest graphic card drivers, reseted graphics settings etc. I see hud but dont map. Just black screen with hud and text (dialog)
Try to launch the game, go to Options, then Gameplay, then General and toggle the first option Instinct on
bro i have uh see this Watch 2024-08-28 20-43-50 | Streamable
Was it ever working before, or is this the way it always looked like?
Can you run other games with similar requirements on your computer? Sharing your PC’s specs would also be helpful.
yeah i can run, before its very good working. Now no. Nvm why,.