Can we PLEASE get an inventory clean-up option?

You can klick the shoulder buttons to switch through the menu itself, like story, contracts, locations etc. But not through the weapons. Or I missed it haha

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It’s one of the sets of shoulder buttons, but I can’t remember if it’s top or bottom.

On PS4, we too can just scroll through categories and sub-categories. It’s not as though anyone has to scroll through every single weapon or item.

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I feel like this will become a feature because I noticed that they hide the default items (fibre wire, coin, ICA19) when you’re picking an agency pickup or briefcase item. I think they’re testing that out first.

Isn’t that because of the size of the item though?
You can easily put a sniper in agency pickup, but you can’t put a sniper in a hidden stash?

I didn’t mention a sniper.

No? I did. To use it as an example of a big item that won’t fit in a hidden stash, thus it is hidden if that is selected as smuggling point.

Yeah but I didn’t bring up any big items. I said the default small items aren’t pickable in a hidden stash or pick up even if they aren’t currently picked for your inventory. So if I want to stash coins in the park bench in WC I can’t do that unless I pick another kind of coin.

Oh, really? That is not the case for me - if I do as you describe those said coins will simple move from the “gear” - box to the “smuggled item” - box.

It is the same for every other possible item.

I play on PS4, not that I can think of any way that matters.