Hello, for my first post, I simply would like to know about one of the last challenges I need to accomplish in Hawkes Bay.
Apparently, you can find a spare key under a rug, or hidden location near the front door, if I understood the wording right, but I couldn’t seem to find anything, even after countless play-throughs on that level.
Can anyone help me pinpoint its location, or a different way to finish that challenge? Thank you in advance.
The key is to the pool door, found right next to it in a plant pot/vase thing which you have to break.
Hey Dave,
Thank you so much for the quick answer!
I would’ve never guessed I had to break a vase to get it, so again, than you!
No problem, there are a couple of other examples of breaking things open to acquire useful keys/items in the game btw. But if you can’t find what you are looking for hitmaps is a very handy site to check
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I bookmarked it as we speak, thanks again! You were very helpful today.
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