So many suits we could all see being cool in our inventories but are mission exclusive what if we did challenges like the plague doctor
- Blake III - Ring every doorbell While Dressed as Blake III
- Arkian Robe - Eliminate Janus With His Burial Dagger
- Janus’ Robe - Eliminate The Coroner while Dressed in The Arkian Robe
- Street Performer - Tip The Performer 10 Coins
- Scarecrow - They Scream, They Cry
- Knight Armor - Hide in All The Knight stands
- Parachute Suit - Sabotage The Targets’ Parachutes go eliminate them then escape via jumping off the Burj Al-Ghazali
- Hazmat Suit - Heisenberg
- Hazmat Suit PZ - Infect Then Eliminate all Hazmats (not liebleid)
- Street Musician - Tip The Musician a Violin the Pacify Him with a Didgeridoo
- Masked Lab Guard - Make Valiant Comprise his Clone Experiment
- Valiant Clone (with 47 on its back) - Eliminate all Clones During training without being spotted
- Florida Man - Kill Bob Knox with Salty Chocolate Balls
- Florida Man Berlin - Poison FM with Emetic Poison and while he’s sick throw a coconut at him
- Prison Suit - Play Isle of Sgail dressed as The Disruptor
Just some cool ideas Let me know your thoughts