Choose a WoA mission to complete yourself, instead of 47

Assuming I had 47’s gear, then Berlin. I could probably blend in while wearing my normal clothes, squeeze through a gap by the Thames entrance to the club and uh oh, looks like I have to rustle some leaves, stab stab, etc. I don’t think Thames’ clothes quite fit, so looks like I’m doing this SO with no climbing/high vaulting. I could probably get into the biker spot by doing the delivery guy’s job for him, but I don’t know how I’d get around that well.
OR I could just off Price and chuck him in some shrubs, then tell the agents over my new earpiece Olivia’s injured from a dead agent and is at a diner, down the road :wink:
5/5 star silent assassin one target killed
OR I could just not get hunted by 12 of the ICA’s best assassins in the first place
5/5 star silent civilian


Don’t mean to cheat, but I’d go with The Controller in Hokkaido (assuming, of course, 47 did the other 5 for me.) Practically a free holiday, talk to an old man, escort him to my personal suite, help him off the ledge, go and relax in the spa.


There is that whole “retrieve the files” objective, though.

I doubt that I am (or most Hitman players are) strong enough to choke someone out, knock someone out with a heavy object, throw something hard enough to knock out of kill or stab somebody to death. I’m not durable enough to survive getting shot several times. I’m not agile enough to climb a pipe or on ledges. I’m not intelligent enough to use or sabotage equipment and wiring and hack computers. And I’m not charismatic enough to steal someone’s outfit and successfully pretend to be them.

So I can’t engage in melee combat or throw weapons, get spotted, climb, hack computers or use disguises. And probably no loadout and the default starting position.

If I was magically transported into Hitman and had to choose a mission to complete, I’ll go with Hawkes Bay. One target, lots of shrubbery, completely empty until the computer is hacked.

So I’ll jog over to the house, smash the pot outside the house, grab the key and open the door. Then I’ll go upstairs, break into the safe room, grab the password dongle, a silenced pistol and a tranq pistol.

After Diana painstakingly guides me on how to hack the computer and transfer the data to her, Reynard and her boys will come barging in. I will sneak into the bedroom and hide there until she and Orson go to sleep, then I will smother her or shoot her with a silenced pistol I took from her safe room. I will then sneak out of the house, set off the explosives, hide in the shrubbery and sneak to the boat.


Don’t forget that guns are surely very heavy. I’ve never held a handgun, let alone fired one, but I’m pretty sure the recoil would knock me off my feet.

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The End of an Era!

First some harmless fun sniping some drones.
Then some harmless fun blowing up two people who are obviously cyborgs with a leaky gas canister and a last sniper bullet.
All from a safe distance.
No need to wipe out the ICA file or expose the organisation since I’m not in their system, so I can take the train and enjoy the nice view.


Alright, hear me out.
If we had access to all of the gear, then Whittleton Creek, A Bitter Pill, ICA Micro Remote Taser in the mailbox.

I pick Situs inversus as I think it would be one of the most risk-free missions.

I would make the chief surgeon kill Soders that way there’s no blood on my hands :stuck_out_tongue:

How I would kill Yuki Yamazaki is the fugu fish method. Fugu fish is extremely poisonous and it would be very easy to kill someone this way as it would look like an accident. When you eat fugu fish, you’re putting your own life at risk.

How would you break into Yamazaki’s suite to get the dongle, and into an operating theater to put the dongle where he sees it? :thinking:

I would lure the guards into my room and subdue them one after one :laughing:

I would wear my surgeon scrubs too :stuck_out_tongue:

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