Codename>>>Contracts Remade missions

Am I the only person here who thinks that the original missions in Codename were predominantly better than their remakes in contracts? Especially the Budapest hotel. It was just much more lively and colorful and codename than it was in contracts. Mei/Lei Ling’s voice was better in Codename and not stereotypically bad(plus I think she looked more attractive, but that’s just me as a bi-guy)? Maybe the missions with Boris in Rotterdam were better in Contracts, but that’s am exception (I do like the challenge of Codename better). Any Asylum Aftermath while is TECHNICALLY not a remake of the final level, but a good remake of the map).


Nah, Codename 47 is the best game in the series. I like Contracts also very much and the Remade Missions are also good, they’re not even close to the original.

I also hate that Say Hello to my little Friend isnt included, just imagine my Camp in a stormy night… :cry:


Well I wouldn’t say the best game in the series (that goes to Silent Assassin :wink:), but it is extremely underrated. It’s even dismissed as being clunky compared to its sequels


I’d scrap The Bjarkhov Bomb in a heartbeat just to add a remake of Say Hello to my Little Friend.


The problem is that mission would need to be very condensed down. People hated how much traveling that mission was

So was Bjarkhov :person_shrugging: