Count of the guards in each map?

Do we have a count of the guards for each map for master difficulty?
I know there was somewhere an excel doc with the list of all the NPCs names, but I’m more interested in the number of guards, even better if they are listed for each category:

e.g. Santa Fortuna - Three headed serpent:
Street guards - x
Hacienda guards - x
Underground lab guards - x
Coco field guards - x

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I wonder if there is such excel doc for classic series.

Here’s the Ark Society:
Guards 103
Raiders 38
Elite guards 26

Maybe I miscalculated one or two but that should be it.

This site might be of use to you. I use it often for contract creation.

According to this, Ark Society has:
103 Guards
35 Raiders
25 Elites

Possible it’s not entirely accurate, but I’ve never had any issues with finding NPCs through it.