A good attempt at making the Isle of Sgáil better!
ET: Inhumane
Location: The Isle of Sgàil
Time of day: Same as Holiday Hoarders
Extra features: Some snow on rooftops and light snow every now and then
Weather: Snowy and cloudy
Good evening 47.
Your target is Dr. Gavin Hartwell, a master mortician and global sensation.
Not much is known about Gavin outside his job and social media influences, but according to ICA the target was involved in the organ harvestings of Locksley’s CEO and late client: George Franklin and countless unknown victims.
This all started at the peak of his fame were he was over run by paparazzi. This was all too much for Gavin due to his condition, and so he started up the process of “cleaning up the undeserving”.
With the use of some “borrowed” satellite recordings, we’ve tracked down the target to the Ark society’s annual gathering, one year after the death of their original founder, Janus. Hmmm remember him, 47?
Our on site ICA lookout has placed the target in and around the memorial room and the stone ceremony circle.
We also picked up a very cold object in our heat scanners, no doubt, he’ll be touching up a victim for the scheduled wake tonight.
As Mentioned earlier, Dr. Gavin Hartwell has a very bad case of anxiety and will most likely flee the area if alerted if your not cautious.
Make sure to “dance with the devil” and eliminate the Doctor.
Good luck, 47.
I will leave you to prepare.
Physical appearance
Dr. Gavin Hartwell:
•Gavin wears a white lab coat, similar to the ones in Sapienza (WOT)
•He has a turquoise blue/light green shirt and a brown/gray checkered tie to match
•He has long dark grey Wellington boots on over his black, smart trousers, similar to the bodyguards seen in missions like Marrakesh (AHBOS) or Sapienza (Landslide)
• Gavin Hartwell has broken glasses in his lab coat pocket that need repairing and a couple
In the same pocket he has a glasses cleaning cloth
Black/blue/yellow pens in his breast pocket.
Quick note: The * sign in dialogue means there whispering or muttering.
Dr. Gavin Hartwell:
Stone ceremony circle
•Gavin spawns in the Stone ceremony circle area talking to Marilyn (i’m gonna call her Marilyn, why not), the wake founder (the Arkhitect woman talking to the warehouse worker in the main mission)
Gavin: “Oi Marilyn, can i have a quick word with you?”
Marilyn: “I suppose so, just be quick Gavin, i’m really busy.”
Gavin: “Well Marilyn, i was wondering if i could make a suggestion for the ceremony music of choice… so can i?”
Marilyn: "I’m afraid not Doctor. James, God rest his soul, has picked Thaïs act II in his pre passing wishes.
Gavin: "Ah, no worries then. i’m sure James has been dealt with well enough.
Marilyn: “Um, I’m sorry did you say something?”
Gavin: “No just thinking out loud, my apologies.”
•Gavin then walks away to have a smoke by the edge of the circle (pushing opportunity), accompanied by Raider Guard 1 (those back outfitted guards)
Morgue prep room
•After about 30 seconds smoking by the edge, he’ll stop and move to the morgue prep room and continue on working on James Jackson.
Raider 1: "Hey, why are you putting on makeup on Mr. Jackson?
Gavin: “If you don’t SHUT UP, I’LL SHOW YOU FIRST HAND!”
Raider 2: “Yeah, you heard the client, shut your mouth.”
Raider 1: “Jeez, i was only asking. *i thought you were nice, like on telly, jeez”
Gavin: “What was that? Don’t let me catch you back chatting me or so God your worthless, little life!”
After about 20 seconds
Gavin: “hey, were’s my eye shadow?”
Raider 2: "Hey, maybe Mr. Bill Nye over here nicked it? Eh, boss?
Gavin: “God, how did i end up here? I should’ve pursued Chemistry.”
•Gavin will then go up the morgue stairs and have a conversation on his phone with James’s mother.
When he’s up there, Raider 2 stays put, he’s all alone.
Raider 2: “I shoulda declined that raise, go figures.”
5 seconds later
Raider 2: “It’s like Milton all over again, God ain’t happy.”
Morgue Upstairs
•Gavin will move backwards and move from looking over the stair railing and standing still (doing that head turn type thing NPCs do on phone calls sometimes)
Gavin: “Yes, hello?”
Mrs. Jackson: “Dr. Hartwell?”
Gavin: sigh “Yes, what do you want Mrs. Jackson.”
Mrs. Jackson: “I was hoping i’d have you for just five minutes, is that alright with you?”
Gavin: “For God sake, can’t get two minutes in peace. Yes, i suppose so.”
Mrs. Jackson: “Oh Good, i was going to ask you, is it a pain to swap his suit to a grey one? It must of been sent to you all wrong.”
Gavin: " Yes, i’ll see what i can do, Mrs. Jackson. Jesus, as if i don’t have enough".
Mrs. Jackson: “Ok, well i won’t keep your Dear.”
Gavin: “Good b-”
Gavin: “Well, she was a bit rude. Just for that i’ll not bother with ironing his shirt.”
Raider 1: “Shouldn’t you do that? Ain’t that against your code or something?”
Gavin: “I though i TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! But, yes, your right, i suppose. Just got to work the Goddamn thing out.”
Morgue incinerator room
•Gavin will then go down stairs and into the Morgue incinerator room (now just full of clothes and spare kit) and look at the iron.
his guards will block both doors (it will be trespassing in any disguise, naturally.)
Memorial room
•Gavin will them leave the morgue and walk under a gargoyle and stare at it for 5-10 seconds.
Gavin: “huh, this place is old.”
Warehouse worker: “Ah, i see your liking the atmosphere, here Doctor.”
Gavin: “No, not really, too musty for my taste.”
•Gavin will them enter the Memorial room and take a seat next to Terry Will (A Arkhitect)
Terry: “Um, Mr. Hartwell, Mr. Hartwell?”
Gavin: Oh, just what i need, a moron fan. Oh, yes? Can i help you?"
•Terry then squeals at Gavin due to his excitement of seeing his “hero”.
Terry: “I’m… I’m sorta your b-b-biggest f-fan, Mr. Hartwell!”
Gavin: “Do you want an autograph? Or what?.. and its Dr. Hartwell to you.”
•Terry then squeals once more at Gavin.
Raider 2: “Is this… guy annoying you, sir?”
Gavin: "Yes, quite frankly you both are
•Raider 2 (who’s closer than Raider 1) hears this and smirks. Gavin catches him.
Raider 2: “Sorry boss.”
Gavin: “Now buzz off all of you, i’ve got to make a call.”
Stone ceremony circle
•Gavin will then go back outside and walk through a puddle and a wire, he’ll then have a call with the GAMA facility’s Director by the same area he smoked previously.
Gavin: “Yello, what is it?”
Director: “Oh, Dr. Hartwell, i see you’re doing just fine?”
Gavin: “Yes, i am Director, look what do you want? I’m really busy here.”
Director: "Well, you lasy year when a Mr. Erich Soders died here at GAMA? He was a valuable asset to our " operation “, he eas really important.”
Gavin: “What about them? Wasn’t he a CIA spy?”
Director: “ICA, but yes he was a spy.”
Gavin: “Yes Director. Well what is your question, Director?”
Director: We need you as his replacement, Doctor… well what do you think?
Gavin: “What’s the job?”
Director: “Not on the phone, meet me at mainland tomorrow morning, dawn.”
Gavin: “I’ll see you there, Director, have a good day.”
•Gavin will then end his call with the GAMA Director.
He will head back to the morgue and continue work on James Jackson.
Morgue room
Gavin: “Were is that bloody eye shadow?”
After 10 seconds
Raider 1: “Hey, sir?”
Gavin: “For fuc-, what do YOU want?”
Raider 1: “Nothing, boss.”
Gavin: “Well don’t WASTE MY TIME.”
Raider 1: “*I need a new job, that Italian coastal town looked nicer then this dirty caste. *”
Gavin will then look for the eye shadow upstairs.
Morgue upstairs
•Gavin will spend 15 seconds looking around a box, then he’ll look over the Previously said stair railing.
Gavin: “This job is stressful.”
•Gavin will then restart his cycle until death.
NPCs will say the same sorta thing just slightly differently then before eg:
Raider 1: “Hey, sir?”
Would become
Raider 1: “Um, you got a minute?”
Potential kills
You can push Dr. Gavin Hartwell of the ceremony stone circle cliff
You can blow him up (accident kill) with the gas tank (the red ones) by the ceremony stone circle smoning spot
You can electrocute him with a puddle as he is walking through the ceremony grassy area to the memorial room or the morgue room
You can use a wrench on the morgue upstairs screws on the railing and wait till he leans
You can push him off the morgue upstairs railing
You can replace the eye shadow with the wrong colour and when he uses it, he has a panic attack and dies
If you turn up the iron’s voltage, you can hold his face into the really hot iron (fire accident kill)
You can push (or shoot) the memorial room’s gargoyle on to Gavin Hartwell
You can poison his drink of coffee he drinks in the memorial room
You can replace his glasses with new ones (if you make them duaty with an cleaning brush and steal his cloth) he’ll go into a panic attack and die, similar to the eye shadow one
Map changes
Stone ceremony circle:
Added a generator that connects to some lights (if tunred off, if electrocutes the puddle that Gavin ealks through)
Added a explosive tank (red one) were Gavin smokes (watch out as other NPCs can smoke there also!)
Some boxes (the red boxes from the stage crew in the Landslide)
Added a container (same as the red boxes) behind one of the rocks (by the morgue door area, climb up point), can be used to hide bodies and conceal yourself if need be
The red Harper has left and is in the bar area (by the museum bit)
Reduced the amount of Arkhitects and the red guys in the circle grassy area
Memorial room:
Added glasses which you can find on the floor behind a pot in the Memorial room)
A guard can be found looking around for them (he’ll mutter about contract lenses and why he should use them instead.
Removed some NPCs in the memorial room to about 3 or 4 NPCs
Morgue room:
Added some extra white sheets, some with blood on them
Moved the crowbar into the Incinerator room
Removed the oil barrel from the room
Changed the layout of the Incinerator room, it is noe a room full of old suits and random red boxes (one of which you can hide in/put people in)
Added a ironing table and iron (including the voltage meter) in the Incinerator room
Swapped Janus’ body for James Jackson’s dead body
The warehouse NPC that is talking Marilyn
The warehouse and Museum starting locations are not available in this mission
The warehouse doors and all entrances have been bloxked off by wooden planks or red Landslide crates
Murder he throat: Eliminate Gavin with a scalpel
An eye for an eye: Cause Gavin to have a panic attack over his new glasses being dusty
Too old and musty: Eliminate Gavin with the memorial room Gargoyle
Railing about the past: Eliminate Gavin with a faulty stair railing
Popped pills: Eliminate Gavin with an over dose of his anxiety pills
Heated arguments: either manually eliminate Gavin with the iron or get a disgruntled guard to do the dirty work
I have contracts: Steal the glasses
Cutting corners: Steal Gavin’s personal scalpel
Popping pills: Find Gavin’s anxiety pills
Cleaning the cloth: Steal the glasses cloth from Gavin’s coat pocket
Eminent assassin: sign Terry Will’s autograph, don’t get spotted
2 thumbed, 4 eyes: Give back the glasses to the blind guard (ironic i know)
Through Raven’s eyes: shoot all of the Ravens across the Stone ceremony circle area
The Inhumane: Eliminate Gavin and exit the mission
The Inhumane, Silent Assassin: Eliminate Gavin and exit the mission with a Silent Assassin rating
The Inhumane, Silent Assassin, Suit only: Eliminate Gavin and exit the mission with a Silent Assassin rating and without changing from your starting suit
Mission stories
Mixed (for) shadow: According to that guard, it seems that your target has misplaced his eye shadow, this could be a good way to get him to “settle down”
- Find the grey eye shadow container
- Find the black eye shadow label
- Replace the gery eye shadow label with the black one
- Place the eye shadow container on the table
The target will them use the grey eye shadow thinking its black, due to his poor eyesight he won’t notice until it’s on James Jackson’s dead body. This will cause Gavin to have an panic attack
Gavin: “NOOO! NO! Not the eye shadow!”
Gavin: “Auchh, my head. I’m in agony.”
Gavin will then die of a panic attack.
Heat off: From that call, 47 i can confirm that the target is needing to iron a Mr. James Jackson’s shirt for the funeral service tomorrow night. Hmmm maybe you could give him a helping hand, 47?
- Find a screwdriver
- Turn up the iron’s voltage
- Wait for the target to start ironing
- Hold Gavin’s head into the iron’s face.
Gavin: “That’s odd, the iron is now working, huh God is on my side after all!”
Gavin will then spend about 5 seconds staring at the hot iron face. You can hold his face and burn him alive.
Gqvin: “Achhh!”
Ironical passion: A disgruntled guard seems to want to take up body preserving and has been heard at various points. Gavin’s temper seems to be making the man on edge and angry. We might be able to use this to our advantage, 47? You were always good with people. - Find a screwdriver
- Turn up the voltage
- Turn off the power to the morgue
- wait for the guard to turn it back on
- watch as the guard holds Gavin’s face into the iron
Raider 1 will then hold Gavin’s head into the iron’s face.
Thus killing him in a proxy accident kill.
The lights have been turned off
Gavin: Go and sort that switch out, you Imbosile."
Raider 1: Ok, your the boss."
The guard will then try and turn the switch back on.
Gavin: “How long does it BLOODY TAKE, Jesus Christ there’s no saving you, ha ha!
Raider 1: “Almost got it, sir! I’m done with this guys
The lights will then come back on.
Gavin: “I can start that Ironing, i suppose.”
Gavin: “That’s odd, its actually working now, huh God is on my side after all!”
Gavin will then spend about 5 seconds staring at the hot iron face
Raider 1: Hey, sir?”
Gavin will then turn around, Radier 1 wi then slam bis head inot the iron, burning his face clean off.
Gavin: “Achhh!”
Dust coated dreams: 47, that guard seems to be short sighted and has lost his glasses. Coincidentally Dr. Gavin Hartwell is looking for a new pair of glasses.
With a bit of “cleaning” i’m sure they’ll do well enough.
- Find the glasses
- find a duster and “clean the glasses”
- Steal the cleaning cloth from the doctors coat
- Give the glasses to Gavin to wear
Gavin will then try to wear his glasses, but stop and try to clean them, but since you stole his cloth, he can’t and starts to go into an panic attack
47: “Excuse me sir, these might interest you?”
Gavin: “Ah yeels, finally one of my guards have put there brain cell to good use, morons.”
I’ve just got to clean them up."
Gavin will be fumbling around in his pockets for 3 or so seconds looking for his cloth.
Gavin: “Were is my cleaning cloth? I bet it was one of you monkeys.” Wait till i get my hands in you!"
Gavin: “Achh! My head, I’m in agony!”
Gavin will then die from a panic attack.
I got really bored as you can tell and decided to make a mission here! I might submit it on the bonus level thread as well!